Is your Roof Fall Ready? | Mighty Metal Roofing

October 1, 2018
By: Admin
Metal Roofing, Roof Replacement
Is your Roof Fall Ready?
Fall is the time for Halloween, Pumpkin Carving and Bonfires. But it is also the time to pay attention to your roof and take precautions before serious weather storms get in. It is easy to forget about your roof when the weather is warm and nice and no leaks, overflowing gutters and lost shingles are part of your day. But don´t leave your roof inspection till last minute. Experiencing problems during winter and in icy, snowy and cold conditions can lead to more expensive and dangerous repairs. Here is what you should do during early fall to prevent damage to your roof and home:
Roof Inspection Checklist
- Damaged shingles
- Missing shingles
- Warped flashing
- Problems leading or indicating a leak, mold or damage
- Blocked attic vents
- Clogged gutters
1. Check for pests like termites
Termites can affect the integrity of your roof. Pest control experts will be able to give advice in treating pests or prevent your home from termites.
2. Check your gutters and downspouts
Not only is it important to check your shingles, your gutters and downspouts also need to be inspected. They should be clean especially around the outlet area. Sagging gutters can indicate potential overflow during heavy rainfall. Check to see if and where the gutters and downspouts are draining. A potential set up rainwater system can be implemented and used for other activities like washing the car.
3. Assess your chimney fires
Chimney fires are very common on cold days. And while they are not directly related to roof inspections, you want to avoid any surprises as well. Checking for obstructions and problems like spark arrestors can save you a lot of trouble later on.
These basic roof inspections can be done by getting on a ladder and inspect the roof in late summer. If you don’t feel comfortable climbing on a ladder, our experts at Mighty Metal Roofing can assist you with the roof inspection Mighty Metal Roofing in Memphis TN is locally owned Mid-South metal roofing company and offers a free roof estimate. At Mighty Metal Roofing we believe in the benefits of metal roofs. Check out
our blog Benefits of Mighty Metal Roofs to learn more about why we believe metal roofs are good for your home.
4. Roof Inspection Services in Memphis Area
Mighty Metal Roofing is a full service Memphis roofing contractor and licensed in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas including in Bartlett, Cordova, Millington, Olive Branch, Arlington, Lakeland, Oxford, Horn Lake, Tunica and more. Call (901)-443-ROOF (7663) now or email us at to get your free estimate for roof inspections and repairs.
Get your free estimate today!
Metal Roof Estimate, Metal Roofs, Roof Inspections